Rose & Muse
Muse was born July 21st, 2015. It became apparent that Muse wasn’t well and in October of 2016, he was rushed to emergency.
Muse was diagnosed with Syringomyelia, Chiari Malformation and Arachnoid cyst on his spinal cord.
Surgery was not an option at that time. His neurologist and other top surgeons debated how to proceed, but there was no guarantee that surgery would ever help him. In fact, Western medicine was only a very very small part of Muse’s healing.
Muse was an inspiration for me, not only learning unconditional love but also the power of prayer.

After losing a loved one, I recognized that I wasn’t just healing Muse, he was healing me too.
Muse coming into my life only validated yet another message from the divine to open myself up to the world.
Muse is truly a miracle and I feel blessed and grateful for him every day.
Thank you for being in my life.